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Welcome to Ernesto Meléndez Miles-Morais

Here's to fiction.
The power of fiction resides in its ability to let us expand our experience of life by letting us glimpse at, and even dwell within, the instances of consciousness devised by ourselves and others.  Just as every life ever lived, being lived, or to be lived, is a discrete instance of the world, so then are imagined, recollected, and mixed portions of life and thoughts, too, instances of the world - unique as lifetimes are, stellar as lifetimes may be, but with the added benefit of being unbounded, to the extent that the writer-reader complicity will allow, by the constraints of the banal and the tenets of established reality.  Here's to fiction: a limitless realm where anything can happen; a multiverse where everything can, and does, take place.  And is there for us to explore.  -EMMM

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